Welcome to Little Bear, thanks for visiting!

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is very important. I will only use your shipping/billing address and contact information to:

  • Communicate with you about your order
  • Fulfill your order, using the address supplied at the time your order was placed
  • For legal reasons, such as paying tax

I will not share your information with any other parties. I will safely store your order information for legal purposes, until/unless you request that I delete it.

Store Host:

This store is hosted by Bigcartel, which provides me with a platform to advertise and sell my products to you, the customer. For more information about how Bigcartel processes and stores your information, please see their privacy policy:


Payment Processing:

I use Paypal for processing payments. Paypal is a third-party payment processor. Your information is provided directly to Paypal, whose use and storage of your personal information is governed by their privacy policy:
